
TrackLink 5000LC System Specifications

Positioning Accuracy: 3.0 degree (better than 5% of slant range)

Slant Range Accuracy: 0.3 meter

Working Range With Ship Noise: up to 5000 m

Operating Beamwidth: 120 degrees

Targets Tracked: up to 8

Operating Frequency: 14.2 to 19.8 kHz

Transponder Maximum Depth: up to 7000 m

Transceiver Maximum Depth: up to 20 m

Transceiver Dimension: 26 cm x 12.6 to 16 cm (diameter)

Transceiver Weight out of water: 5.2 kg

Transceiver Weight in water: 2.3 kg

Transmit Mode Power Consumption: 40 Watts

Receiver Mode Power Consumption: 1 Watt

Operating Temperature: -2 to 45 degrees C

Storage Temperature: -5 to 75 degrees C

RS-232 Configuration: 9600 baud, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, and no flow control

Optional High Speed Acoustic Modem Data Rate: up to 4800 baud

? LinkQuest, Inc. 1999    Last Updated February 2005